Lot Tracking, expiration & serial numbers. Logistics poetry.

We get a kick out of simplifying what your typical software makes ludicrously complex. Manage the complex, without the complexity.

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Lots & expiration

Trace any item in your warehouse and ship FIFO

Ensure compliance with regulations, while shipping out the right batches of products based on expiration dates. Packiyo allows you to keep data of your product lots and manage the more complex elements of your supply chain.

pipeline view profile
Eliminates accidental expired shipments

Pick & pack rules prevent shipping products that have passed their expiration date.

individual lead profile
Traceability with confidence

Using Packiyo reports, know what lots shipped, when and where so you can perform recalls or lot audits should you need to.

Lots & Expiration Report 
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serial number Tracking

Track every outbound product serial number, and have the serial reports for traceability

Enable serial number tracking for any SKU and record serial numbers as they are packed.

pipeline view profile
Tracked on outbound & returns

Verify serial numbers on return and make sure the right product has been sent back.

individual lead profile
Maintain chain of custody though traceability

Run the serial numbers report at any time to view every single detail of the associated order or return.

Reports & insight 
Sales - Techbit X Webflow Template

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